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Functional Terms

dr sum logo

Dr.Sum is a  comprehensive data analysis solution that consolidates large amounts of data  across a company. It provides an all-in-one package, including a powerful database engine, user-friendly interface, and data integration tools, empowering informed decision-making.

motionboard logo

MotionBoard is a powerful business intelligence (BI) dashboard solution. It allows users to visualize and analyze data through graphical representations, empowering informed decision-making and efficient data entry

uipath logo

UiPath is a leading  Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software that helps automate repetitive  tasks. It enables organizations to streamline their processes and increase  efficiency by using software robots to mimic human actions.

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We focus on Microsoft  PowerApps and utilization of Azure Open AI. Azure OpenAI is a collaboration between Microsoft Azure and OpenAI, offering powerful AI capabilities and  services for developers to integrate advanced AI technologies into their  applications.

board logo

Board is the  Enterprise Planning Platform that powers financial and operational planning  for leading brands. It turns complex data into better decisions using AI, analytics, and tailor-made solutions for enterprise-grade challenges. With powerful security, proven scalability, and code-free development, Board is  trusted by thousands of enterprises worldwide.

greatday logo

GreatDay HR is a  Human Resource Information System (HRIS) that empowers HR professionals to  manage all aspects of the employee lifecycle effortlessly. With features like attendance management, seamless payroll processing, recruitment support, and performance metrics, GreatDay HR streamlines HR activities for over 1 million  users across 4 countries in Southeast Asia.

realtime BI logo

Realtime BI is a Business Intelligence solution with powerful features, all provided in the convenience platform of cloud. Create Dashboards, charts, spreadsheets, 3D monitoring solutions, all in single solution.

Leesee logo

Leasee is a solution  for managing Finance Lease agreements with compliance to PSAK 73 and IFRS 16.  It offers full automation for lease schedules, accounting journals, summary  reports, and aging reports, saving time and effort while ensuring accuracy.  Additionally, Leasee’s adaptability allows it to tailor lease contracts to  individual lessee needs, including handling changes, early or ending terminations, and other parameters.


About Us

We are a team of technology enthusiasts and our mission is to deliver solutions to empower clients to achieve their business goals.

Our Commitment

  • Client Centric
    We thrive to understand client goals and deliver the solution in a timely manner.
  • Quality Assurance
    We take all efforts to excel in quality from initiation to maintenance phase of our solutions.
  • Technology
    Continuous improvement by leveraging the best technology in the market.
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News and Updates

The Latest Trends and Innovations
in Technology

December 30, 2024
Transformasi Bisnis 2025 dengan Board: Mempermudah Pengambilan Keputusan dengan Integrated Intelligence Planner

Board telah menerima lebih dari 40 penghargaan internasional dan secara konsisten diangkat sebagai pemimpin dalam berbagai aspek seperti Perencanaan Terintegrasi, CPM, Anggaran, dan Peramalan. Dengan pengakuan internasional ini, Board membuktikan kemampuannya dalam membantu perusahaan untuk bertransformasi digital di tahun 2025, mempermudah pengambilan keputusan bisnis dengan integrasi yang mulus dan fitur perencanaan cerdas.

November 19, 2024
Meningkatkan Produktivitas Perusahaan dengan Solusi RPA dari PT Sazanka Henig Solusi

PT Sazanka Henig Solusi menghadirkan dua platform unggulan, yaitu UI Path dan Power Automate, yang dirancang untuk membantu perusahaan menghadapi tantangan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional sekaligus menjaga kualitas layanan.

November 18, 2024
Keterlambatan Terminasi Kontrak Sewa Aset: Dampak pada Laporan Keuangan dan Kelangsungan Bisnis

Terminasi kontrak sewa aset menjadi salah satu kegiatan yang krusial dalam pengelolaan aset perusahaan. Namun, terkadang terdapat keterlambatan dalam proses terminasi tersebut. Keterlambatan ini bisa terjadi karena berbagai alasan, mulai dari kesibukan pengurus, kesulitan dalam negosiasi dengan pihak lesor, hingga kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan administrasi terkait terminasi.

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- Sazanka AI Assistant